Surdurulebilir Cevre Ve Toplum Uygulama Ve Arastirma Merkezi -

Marmara Sea Summit Took Place.

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Marmara Sea Summit Took Place.

Marmara Sea Summit was held jointly by IMM Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA), IMM Environmental Protection and Control Department and Marmara Municipalities Union.

The theme of the Summit, which was held online, was determined as "A Sea on the Edge of Life". The ​​Marmara Sea was discussed scientifically, from the economic dimension to the ecosystem, from Kanal Istanbul to its legal dimension. While many issues on the effects of Kanal Istanbul and what will be done in the future were discussed in six sessions; Experts from disciplines such as marine science, aquatic ecosystem, environmental engineering, economics, and environmental law identified and suggested solutions.
     In addition, a summit road map was created by stating that the sea is indispensable for Istanbulites. IMM Deputy Secretary General Orhan Demir said, “It was a summit where all aspects of the Sea of ​​Marmara, with its economy, ecology and purification, were discussed. Invaluable scientists contributed. Of course, they determined a roadmap for us, frankly," he said.
     Click here for results of meeting.
     Click here for more information.
