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Is the Digital Entertainment Industry Affecting the Climate?

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Is the Digital Entertainment Industry Affecting the Climate?

Although there is not much research on the effects of video games and online videos on the environment and climate, it is known that the internet alone accounts for 10% of the global energy demand. So what is the impact of the digital entertainment industry on the climate?

   video games

     It is known that the global energy need and consumption is increasing day by day and 80% of the energy used is provided by fossil fuels. In striving to reduce emissions, the energy use of digital technologies, their direct or indirect environmental impact, and their compliance with climate commitments are often overlooked by the public and politicians alike.
     Digital technologies around the world, consisting of data centers, communication networks and physical infrastructure that require a lot of energy to both operate and cool, account for 4% of current greenhouse gas emissions and this rate is predicted to increase to 8% by 2025. . In addition, every e-mail sent, every tweet sent, every game we play contributes to emissions. Although the effect of individual use on emissions is very small, when the total digital use of the world is considered, the transition of digital technologies to clean energy is important for reducing emissions.

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